Our Ministry of hospitality, supported by two rotating teams of church members, is the first contact that many people have with our Church. This program looks for reliable, conscientious, energetic, caring and dedicated people to serve. This is one of our largest volunteer programs, offering many opportunities for leadership, service and hospitality.
Greeters serve once a month at either the early or late service and we meet informally as the need arises.
Ushers serve a minimum of once every couple weeks, or may be assigned to a floater team for special events such as funeral services. Individual teams meet and organize briefly before serving; the entire Ushers and Greeters corps will be starting to arrange meetings to be held once or twice a year for training purposes. An Ushers meeting is held annually or as needed and will be open to all who would like to learn about the group's role within TEMC.
We welcome anyone who would like to join our team!
Specially trained lay visitors call regularly on members and adherents with special needs, such as seniors who are homebound or in a care setting. Volunteers for this important program are always welcome.
The reception area, known as the Volunteer Office, is located just inside the 230 St. Clair entrance to the church. Volunteers are available to assist Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM, and on Sunday mornings. They are the first point of contact for many who come through the church.
TEMC is able to reach people beyond the walls of the church through our livestreaming channels. We are able to broadcast Sunday services, special events, and concerts to a broad audience. Currently, we average approximately 500 weekly viewers through the live stream. We are blessed to be able to share the good news of Jesus and build community online.
For the different roles available, click here.
The Sunday School program is available for children and youth, nursery age to Grade 12! Teachers are crucial to the spiritual development of young people. You help teach Bible lessons and run activities that engage the students. Sunday school happens during the 9:15 AM service.
On Sundays between services, Coffee Hour Volunteers will provide small snacks and coffee/tea to members of the congregation in the Allan Beattie room. This is a great way to get to know other people in our community! An important role for these volunteers is to encourage more members of the congregation to participate in Coffee Hour. Volunteers are responsible for setting out dishes and cutlery, laying out snacks, making coffee/tea, cleaning up the room, putting away leftovers, and doing dishes.
On Sunday mornings or during the week in the Lawson room, the Library Volunteer will be responsible for sorting new book donations, ensuring that books are properly organized on shelves, and will assist guests in taking out books using the library system. This is a great way to meet members of the community.
This ecumenical outreach program is sponsored by the Churches on-the-Hill, a partnership of nine Christian churches in the Forest Hill area, including TEMC.
This is an Emergency Food Program to supply groceries to a target household who face regular but generally short-term hunger. In addition to monetary donations, over 130 individuals contribute their time and talent on a strictly volunteer basis and one representative from each of the Churches on-the-Hill to serve on the Board of Directors.
Volunteers are needed:
- Tuesday & Thursday mornings: receive, repackage, sort, stock along with any other aspects of operations management.
- Mondays 6 - 8 PM, Wednesdays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM to help clients when the food bank is open.
For more information, you can visit