When someone is baptized they become a full member of the church universal. Confirmation, then, is an opportunity for young people, at an appropriate age, or adults to make decisions about their faith life and commitments, and to affirm their parent’s decision to have them baptized as infants or young children.

Confirmation generally occurs between the ages of 10 – 13, but can occur at any age or stage of life beyond that.

At TEMC we meet with our young people regularly over a period of several months leading up to confirmation. We seek to give them an opportunity to intentionally explore what it means to live as a Christian both in the Church and in the world. We offer opportunities to participate in the life of the congregation, as they consider what it means to be an active member of The United Church of Canada.

At the end of the preparation period, those wishing to be confirmed are welcomed into full participation in the life of Church by welcoming them and blessing them in front of the whole congregation. 

Confirmation Classes:

Ages: Grade 7 and up

Preparation time: Sundays from 11am – 12pm in the Seminar Room.

Next Dates: TBD

Confirmation Sunday: TBD