
Interview with Bonnie Marsh, our Sunday School Coordinator and Director of children’s Ministry

Tell me about coming to faith?

Where I grew up in Newfoundland, there were two churches: the United Church and the Salvation Army. My friends went to the United Church. That’s where I first learned about God, grew in my faith, and became a Christian. I was about seven years old.

I loved the idea that there was someone out there who loved me even more than my parents. He even sacrificed his life. At that age I didn’t understand what “sacrifice” was—but someone who loved me more than my grandmother? I was on board.

That church hit the mark with children: they presented the faith in a way that was ideal for them to understand. To serve children in a United Church now is coming full circle.

You say your grandmother was your best friend. Tell us about her?

I lived with my grandmother. She had the busiest life, but always put God first and served God by serving others. I’d ask her why she bothered. “They don’t care about you.” She’d say, “But I care. And it’s not what I’m getting back, but what I’m giving out, that matters.” She is an example of what Christ told us to do.

I just loved my grandmother. She was my angel.

Tell us about your previous work for the Blue Jays?

I was working in day-care and wanted something on the side. I applied to be a ticket-taker. At the first interview, I was asked, “Why don’t you want to work with kids here, too?” I asked, “What kids are here?” “Well, someone has to watch the players’ kids when they’re working.”

The players were quite down to earth. They were just like the rest of us. They were going to a job they loved, not thinking they were special. The ones I connected with most were God-fearing Christians. They were charitable with their time and committed to serving others. You don’t see that when you come to watch a game.

I connected most with Woody Williams, Pat Hentgen, and Mike Timlin. All pitchers. Pat was the loudest of the three.

How did you come to be involved with TEMC?

In late 2019, my mom was visiting Toronto, and wanted to go to Timothy Eaton Memorial for the Christmas service. I asked, “Where’s that?” She said “Bonnie, it’s right down the street! How did you not know that?” She was coming from 2.5 hours away. I lived 5 minutes away and didn’t know it.

We went to the Christmas pageant, and I loved it! Something caught me that I didn’t understand. I kept coming after the holidays.  I used to sneak in from the Dunvegan side. I’d sit down, not speak to anyone, and try to sneak out. But people here are quite friendly and welcoming, so I never got in or out unseen!

When covid hit, I connected more deeply online. When we came back, I got to say “hi” to people I’d only met online. I told Stephen Boda of my love for the piano and for singing. He asked if I wanted to join the choir.

During my audition, I told Elaine Choi “I can’t sing and am only doing this because Stephen made me.” She said, “No, you can sing, I can tell.” I’d signed up as an alto. She said, “No, that’s wrong, you’re definitely a soprano.” I hadn’t sung a word yet! She could tell by my speaking voice. I’ve fallen in love with it and am now looking for other opportunities to sing, since I chose the Sunday School coordinating job over the choir.

What made you feel called to coordinate our Sunday School?

God 😊. I had been in prayer about a situation in my life. I asked God for a solution, and the solution came in the opportunity to come here and lead the Sunday School for three months. During those months, God kept speaking to me and giving me ideas. I was only going to help for a few months, but God had bigger plans, and promised to reveal them as we progressed along. “This is the ministry I want you to work in,” he said.

How does it feel different to come to church as a staffer?

This organization is staffed by so few people. You’d have thought it was staffed by many more. So few people do all this work!

What are your hopes now as our children’s ministry leader?

We need more space! And a lot more children! My goal is to be a supportive partner with parents in helping their children grow in their faith in God. We want to show parents how much we care. We want to have resources for parents and kids to read. And we want to find ways to bring the community in.

Does this new work feel weighty?

It’s big for me, but not for God. I’ll let him take the steering wheel and sit back for the ride.

Tell us about yourself outside of work and church?

I love animals, kids, and seniors. I’m a sporty person: I like to watch sports now. I used to participate (in my head I still play!). I played until injured my knee. I tore my ACL and MCL playing volleyball.

Since your work at TEMC is part-time, what else do you do work-wise?

I am a Children Services Case Worker for the City of Toronto. I get to help families with their childcare and school needs. I help parents find financial assistance to pay for daycare. I also work alongside the Children’s Aid Society. Those aren’t the fun phone calls. They’re emotionally hard. But when those cases come in, you drop everything else, and the priority is on them.

Any last word for us?

I believe with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Expect big things in September!

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